Lighted Christmas Yard Decorations

I love lighted Christmas yard decorations. They 're a great way to dress your yard up for the holidays. Yard decorations allow you to express yourself in so many ways. Some are funny while others are thoughtful. I find them so enjoyable because they are a great way of sharing the the holidays with everyone you know and don't know.

These decorations can be seen at anytime of the day or night because they have lights. They will freshen up your lawn decorations for this year.

I choose these lawn decorations because some of the classic holiday characters and others represented exactly what Christmas is all about. There are a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles.

Simple White and Gold Nativity Scene
Simple White and Gold Nativity Scene

Sparkling Polar Bear with Santa Hat
Sparkling Polar Bear with Santa Hat

Cute Penguin and Santa enjoying a ride on a tractor
Cute Penguin and Santa enjoying a ride on a tractor

Classic Snow Man with a Top Hat Holding a SnowFlake
Classic Snow Man with a Top Hat Holding a SnowFlake

Cool Animated Dinosaur with Santa Hat
Cool Animated Dinosaur with Santa Hat

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